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The moon is a planet or something. The moon is exposed

 However! Everything mentioned here will be very useful for you. Because everything is connected with science. By the way, I have mentioned more special things here, which will make your eyes wide open after reading. By the way, let me tell you more that every thing given here has been taken after doing a special kind of search. So, read it with patience. Apart from this, I will tell you more knowledge related to the moon, which you will definitely be obliged to read. Therefore, without any delay, we go ahead in this article to know the interesting things of the moon. So, the moon is an astronomical sub-planet, which keeps revolving around our earth. If this is not an interesting thing related to the moon, then stay here a little, because the story has just started. The moon is the fifth largest sub-planet in our solar system. The age of our moon is closer to our Earth. It has only been 4.51 billion years. Most people here have an illusion that they can see both the surface of the moon
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You will be shocked to know things about aliens.

  The search for life on other planets has been a very challenging task for science and it is possible that scientists of other planets also do the same. In such a situation, if they come to Earth with any of their vehicles, then it is no surprise! We too have reached the moon planet, Mars. We have also sent a vehicle to Saturn. Now someday, humans will also dare to go and sit in those vehicles. It is difficult to imagine how big this universe is. Just understand that in this universe, our earth is not even equal to a particle of sand. Millions of planets larger than this earth exist in our universe. The biggest thing is that there are millions of galaxies in this universe of ours. The galaxy is called a 'galaxy'. Our Milky Way is called Milky way in English while in Hindi it is called akashganga in which Earth, our Solar System and millions of stars are located. Scientists say that when there are millions of planets like Earth in our Galaxy, then definitely there will be life